The Republican Olympiad is held to develop students’ special professional abilities as future specialists and is considered one of the factors supporting talented students, as well as forming a team that will participate in national and international Olympiads.
The Olympiad was held in 2 stages, the first stage was held in universities, the second stage – in basic higher educational institutions.
254 students from the specialties “Architecture”, “Urban Planning”, “Design”, “Construction”, “Construction Technologies” from 29 universities in the country came to the Olympiad. have demonstrated their knowledge and skills in the following areas.
Participants competed in 19 subjects, demonstrating their great abilities and talents, students of the educational program 6B07303 – “Engineering Construction” of the Department of Engineering Construction Armand Rysty, Amanzholov Akanseri, Kuatov Zhalgas, Musaev Meirbek, Associate Professor M.A. Nigmetov worked under the scientific supervision of Mermurat Zhalelovich.
Among the 25 teams of universities participating in the Olympiad, student Armand Rysty, by decision of the commission, took 3rd place in the discipline “Building structures”, demonstrating his knowledge and intelligence. I would like to express special gratitude to the students and the leader Mermurat Dzhalelovich. Congratulations on your victories!