Koibakova Symbat Elamanovna, Head of the Department of Ecology and Geology

Koibakova Symbat Elamanovna


Position: Head of the Department of Ecology and Geology
Academic degree: PhD Associate Professor
Subjects taught: “Environmental monitoring”, “Introduction to research”, “Methods of environmental research”
Research interests: “Comprehensive study of the water area and assessment of the state of the soils of the coastal zone of M.Sandy with the use of remote sensing data”
Publications: Author of more than 20 scientific articles.
1) Kenzhetayev G. Zh., Syrlybekkyzy S., Akbasova A., Nurbayeva F.K. Koibakova S., Creation of database of the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea soil condition using GIS technologies //Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia (India-Scopus).  2015. Vol 12. P. 2495-2503. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/1929.
2) Kenzhetaev G.Zh. Koibakova S.E., Syrlybekkyzy S.Karadzhaev A.Investigation of the soil condition at the shipyard construction sites in the area of P.Kuryk /Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Development of science and technology in the development of the subsoil of Kazakhstan dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician Sh.Yesenova, Aktau, September 2017 p.47-54 3)Kenzhetayev G., Koibakova S., Syrlybekkyzy S., Janaliyeva N., Taizhanova L., Altybayeva Zh. Studying state of soils at construction sites of Shipyard near Kuryk (Kazakhstan) //Ecology,environment and conservation. 2018. Vol 24.   issue 3. P. 1451-1456 (Scopus). EID: 2-s2.0-85058851710
4)Kenzhetaev G.Zh., Permyakov V.N., Syrlybekkyzy S. Koibakova S.E. Ecological assessment of soils at the shipyard construction sites near the village of Kuryk. Izvestia of Oil and Gas Universities – No. 6. – 2018
5) Kenzhetaev G.Zh., Syrlybekkyzy S., Permyakov V. N., Koibakova S. E. Assessment of total soil pollution by heavy metals in the coastal zone of Cape Sandy // Bulletin of KazGU, Ecological series. 2019. No.2 (59). pp. 111-124. URL: https://bulletin-ecology .kaznu.kz/index.php/1-eco/article/view/991.
6) Kenzhetaev G.Zh., Syrlybekkyzy S., Shapalov Sh.K.Koibakova S.E. Ecological monitoring in the coftfl area of Caspian sea using geoinformational technologies Izvestia NAS RK – No.1 -2019
7) AmangeldinovaE.Nurmaganbet S. Syrlybekkyzy, Koibakova, S.E,  A.Zhidebayeva M.Aubakirov THREATS to sustainable development due to increase of greenhouse gas emissions in key sector Journal of  security and sustainability issues.-Vol 9- Issue 1 – 2019.
8) Koibakova, S.E., Kenzhetaev, G.J., Syrlybekkyzy S., Tarasenko, G., Suleimenova, B., Taizhanova, L. Experimental studies of the efficiency of a solar system, including a passive water heater and an active seawater distiller. Heliyon. 2021. Volume 7. Issue 2. 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e05938 (Scopus, 82 percentile).
9) Zavialov, P.O., Kurbaniyazov, A.K., Kayupov, A.A., …Sapozhnikov, F.V., Syrlybekkyzy, S. Koibakova, S.E., Field Measurements of Sea Currents on the Mangistau Shelf of the Caspian Sea. Oceanologythis link is disabled, 2022, 62(4), pp. 458–463
10) Syrlybekkyzy, S., Koibakova, S.E., Kenzhetaev, G.Z., Altybayeva, Z.K., Permyakov, V.N.Environmental aspects of the evaluation of the total pollution of soils with heavy metals in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea at cape peschany IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2022, 1043(1), 012056
International internships: Yildiz technical University, “YTU international Relations”
Grant projects: The executor of the grant financing project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (State registration no. 0112RK02173) on the topic: “Scientific substantiation of a comprehensive study of the components of the natural environment of the Caspian coastal zone and man-made objects” (2012-2015). Responsible user of the grant financing project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (State registration no. 0120RK00567) on the topic: “Pilot study of the regime of sea currents on the Mangystau shelf of the Caspian Sea” (2012-2015).

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