S. G. Ivanov, Director of EDP Hub LLP (Idipi Hub) of the Kazakhstan branch of the IP Media Publishing House (Moscow), sent a letter of thanks to B. B. Akhmetov, Rector of the Sh. Yesenov Caspian University of Technology and Engineering, where the work of Professor Izim NASIEVICH DYUSEMBAEV and Associate Professor (associate Professor) was highly appreciated by the expert commission Department of “Civil Engineering” by MERMURAT ZHALELOVICH NYGMETOV.
Sergey Ivanov, Director of EDP Hub LLP, thanked for the invaluable contribution to improving and improving the quality of education and science, as well as creating conditions for the comprehensive development and professional growth of teachers at the Yesenov Caspian University of Technology and Engineering. The textbook is based on the curriculum for specialty 6B07303-Construction” textbooks Geotechnics-2: “Soil mechanics”, Geotechnics-2: “Calculation and design of foundations of buildings and structures”.
The textbook in two volumes, based on new engineering, geological and scientific research, examines the physico-mechanical properties of soils, geodynamic processes and their effect on the substrate, the distribution of stresses and deformations in the soil, and the stability of soil massifs. The basic principles and methods of designing foundations, schemes for fixing weak soils in particularly difficult conditions are considered. In the second volume, based on modern research materials, methods of designing and calculating foundations of buildings and structures under static and dynamic loads, in special ground conditions, and other issues related to the construction of complex buildings are considered in detail.