Transition from Capstone student projects to practical engineering products

In accordance with the approved plan of the program for attracting foreign experts in the organization of higher and postgraduate education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education PHAM TUAN held a training seminar on “The transition of student projects to practical engineering products” “Transition from Capstone student projects to practical engineering products ” (Experience of the University of Vietnam) for young scientists, doctoral students, masters and students of Yessenov University.

During the seminar, the scientist introduced the student audience to the theoretical aspects of the features of business projects and engineering solutions for their practical application in the framework of graduate qualification works of graduates of higher educational institutions in order to self-develop the competitiveness of students – future engineers in production.

Professor PHAM TUAN presented to the students a presentation “A practice-oriented approach to engineering education” based on the premise that graduates of engineering specialties should be able to develop, design, implement, and operate complex value-added engineering systems in a modern engineering environment in order to innovatively develop the state’s economy.

The seminar was held in an active format with discussions on the topic of the training seminar. Professor PHAM TUAN answered the questions of the student audience on the topic of the seminar and noted that the formation of the readiness of engineering students for innovative design activities in the course and diploma design is the key to the successful application of qualified engineering knowledge in practice.

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