
Graduate review

Latipov Bauyrzhan Bergenuly
Head of Labor Protection and Industrial Safety of MangistauMunayGas JSC
Латипов Бауыржан Бергенулы
2007 edition.

It was a great time! Tests, exams – everything is difficult but interesting at the same time! Over the years at the university, I discovered that the goal of higher education is not so much to give knowledge as to develop skills.

During all five years of study, a huge flow of information passed through us: technical disciplines, the study of exact sciences, research seminars, conferences, forums. But the main achievement of our teachers, in my opinion, is that they taught us to work correctly with this information, find and critically analyze it.

In my opinion, Yessenov University offers education at the highest level and occupies a worthy place in the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Being surrounded by strong, purposeful people who love their work, you involuntarily become infected with their example. Looking back, I can confidently say that I made the right choice!

Yensegenov Nasikhat Sayasatovich
Deputy General Director of JV Arman LLP
Graduated from 2001

In my opinion, Yessenov University occupies a leading position in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in training specialists in the field of oil and gas business. With a highly qualified teaching staff and a powerful scientific and technical base, the university allows university students to receive world-class knowledge in demand and be competitive in the labor market.

I recall the period of my studies with nostalgia, I want to “rewind time” and once again plunge into the world of research and mastering new knowledge.

I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to the teaching staff of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering for the interesting educational process that I received within the walls of my native university. The highly qualified teaching staff is a reliable guarantee that students receive good knowledge that will ensure their professional growth.

Employer reviews

Imanbaev Bakyt Altaevich
Director of the branch of LLP "KMG Engineering" KazNIPImunaigas "

Today, Yessenov University graduates represent a significant part of KazNIPImunaigas research workers. Occupying positions with varying degrees of responsibility, they do an excellent job with the responsibilities assigned to them, demonstrating both a high level of professional training and exceptional personal qualities.

Their successful work has shown that the quality of professional training of Yessenov University graduates, the level of knowledge they have acquired meets the qualified requirements necessary for effective scientific work.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kuliev Yusif Murad Оgly
Well Construction Design Service Manager
OPTIMUM Design Institute LLP

The successful activity of the company is largely determined by the high professional level of Yessenov University graduates working with us. Starting their career from ordinary positions, your graduates achieve significant success in their professional activities, make a significant contribution to the successful activities and scientific achievements of the institute.

The practice has shown that the quality of professional training of graduates of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and the level of knowledge they have acquired meets the qualified requirements necessary for effective work in scientific and engineering activities.

We express our gratitude to the teaching staff of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and the management of Yessenov University, who managed to maintain the best qualities in business contacts and the high professional level of graduates.

Graduate review

Abylanov Bagdat Amangeldievich
JSC "MMG" Deputy Head of the Department of Geology and Analysis of Field Development.
2001 Graduate

Each person makes his own choice. I also chose the specialty “Oil and Gas Geology” I liked at the Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenova.

Yessenov University provides an opportunity not only to get an education but also to fully master the educational program “Geology”. During the training, we received a lot of theoretical knowledge, experience, and knowledge, we contribute to the development of the oil and gas industry in the region. I am currently a geologist in the industry, boldly applying the skills I learned at university. The teachers of this university are owners of deep knowledge and invaluable experience.

Suyeuov Timur Akmuratovich
Chief Geologist of JSC "MMG" Deputy Head of PO "Zhetybaimunaigas"
2001 Graduate

During the period of study at the university, we received a university education, which allows us not only to acquire solid knowledge and values, but also to effectively deprive geologists from graduates of other universities.


I found trusted friends and comrades, developed the ability to combine student union training with community service, and organizational skills. The knowledge gained at the university became a solid foundation for the first professional steps.

Combining this theoretical knowledge with my operational experience, I now lead the leading oil and gas companies in the Mangistau region, which contributes to the development of Kazakhstan’s industry. I hope that in the future they will train strong specialists necessary for the development of Kazakhstani industry!

Employer reviews

Kelbet Almagul Salihollagyzy
Head of the Mangystau Regional Inspection, MD "Zapkaznedra"

Yessenov University is one of the leading universities in the country, which makes a significant contribution to the development of domestic education and science in the field of training highly competitive specialists.

We are currently working closely with the University of Sh. Yessenov. We take part in scientific and practical conferences, various gatherings. In the direction of the employment center of the region, young people undergo an internship in this inspection for 6 months. Over the past 5 years, many graduates have completed public works practice, got a job in institutions with their own specialties. 90% of them are graduates of this university.

A special pride of the university is its graduates. Most work in their specialty, have good results in their work. At the university, students have the opportunity to acquire the fundamental knowledge necessary for successful work and life. The quality of education is at a high level, all teachers are good specialists with high qualifications.

Graduate review

Zhaukhanova Lyazzat Abzalovna
Undergraduate student of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov.
Graduation 2019

I studied at Yessenov University and did social work at the same time. During the years of study, I received a lot of information necessary for my future profession and improved my knowledge. Of course, I believe that this success is related to my upbringing and education at the university. He not only provide quality education but also instilled civic qualities in each of us.

Employer reviews

Amaniyazov Serik Koldasynovich
Head of the IS department of the Mangystau regional center of information technologies

I am grateful to the Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov for a happy, interesting, exciting, and eventful life with a huge number of opportunities and prospects, for personal acquaintance with excellent teachers and excellent people.


I want to say thank you for the quality education, which is appreciated by employers and is in demand today more than ever. For an endless set of opportunities to realize your creative and business skills.

I wish Yessenov University development and prosperity!

Graduate review

Bisen Nursultan
Process Engineer at Kaskor-Mashzavod JSC
Graduate 2018

I am a graduate of Yessenov University. Of the large number of advantages, I would like to highlight: a strong teaching staff of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, a rich library and free Internet access anywhere in the building, an excellent coffee shop and much more.


If you want to be a real professional, apply to Yessenov University!

Employer reviews

Zhangirkhankyzy Lyazzat
Chief Technologist of Aktau Machine-Building Plant LLP

Graduates of KSUTI named after Sh.Yessenov differ from graduates of other universities in that they are prepared for a competitive business environment: they are fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English, they have excellent academic and practical knowledge in the specialty “mechanical engineering”.

They have excellent presentation skills, excellent communication skills in teamwork, quickly adapt to different situations, and are able to think outside the box. They boldly take responsibility and most often act as team leaders, they can be creative in solving problems and bring the team together to a productive result.

Graduate review

Imanbaev Kanat Samatovich
Chief Project Engineer of DELUXE DESIGN LLP
Graduated from 2002

The student years will forever remain in the memory, saturated not only with study and science but also with public youth affairs – construction teams, student practice. I always remember loving my teachers: Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Kenzhetayev G.Zh and my scientific advisor Sugirov D.U. The current dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Shara Kanievna Dzhumagazieva, is a caring, attentive teacher, treated the students with great respect and love.

Today, having worked for about 20 years, I understand that I am constantly learning something or teaching others, and that foundation of knowledge laid in Yessenov University helps me out with this every time!

Employer reviews

Kulmaganbetova Akgul Mendigalievna

I would like to thank Yessenov University, as well as teachers on my own behalf and on behalf of LLP “Best-Engineering-Project-Aktau”, which I now manage, where students of the Department of “Construction Engineering” undergo practical training every year. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Graduate review

Turkmenbay Nursultan
Occupational Safety and Health Engineer, KazAzot JSC
Chairman of the Public Association "Local Trade Union of Chemical Workers KazAzot"
2015 Graduate

They say that college years are the best years in my life. And I, having studied for 4 years at Yessenov University, can only confirm these words. There was not a day when we, the students, had to be bored! The student days were full of various scientific conferences and creative events, forums, and, of course, lectures and seminars.


For this unique atmosphere, which inspired not only the knowledge of the educational material but also made it possible for the multifaceted development of the personality, I would like to say a huge thank you to the entire teaching staff. Within the framework of academic mobility, he studied for six months in Bulgaria (Burgas) at the University “Professor Dr. Assen Zlatarov”. Good knowledge and practical skills in the field of environmental protection made it possible to prepare a project on the topic: “Recycling of household waste from fiberglass” for the competition of scientific projects “ATAMEKEN STARTUP WEEKEND AKTAU”.

Ayapbergenov Erbolat Ozarbaevich
Head of the field chemistry laboratories at the Center for Scientific Laboratory Research of KazNIPimunagaz LLP
Graduate 2009

In 2009, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree at the Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after I. Sh.Yessenova. For 4 years of study, the university has left unforgettable impressions regarding both study and student life. There was a great opportunity at the university to continue my studies and get a master’s degree. I took this opportunity and entered the magistracy. Currently, I am an applicant for a Ph.D. degree in the specialty of Chemical technology of fuels and high-energy substances, and I also work at the Center for Scientific Laboratory Research of KazNIPimunagaz LLP as the head of the field chemistry laboratories. To date, a strong teaching staff of teachers has already made a direct contribution to the development of my professional qualities.

Yessenov University is improving and growing every day, and I want to be in the same rhythm of intensive development.

I want to wish all applicants and students of Yessenov University to absorb new knowledge, and also not to miss the opportunity to make their student life rich and bright. This time will fly by instantly, but in your hands – getting an excellent education and experience of active student activities.

Bakhitzhanova Guldana Tanarovna
Chief Environmental Engineer of JSC "Phystech"
Graduate 2003

Student years are a time of discoveries, accomplishments, self-realization, which remain forever in the memory, but, unfortunately, they fly by very quickly. Therefore, a lot depends on where and with whom you will spend these wonderful moments.


I want to say thank you to my beloved university for a quality education that is appreciated by employers and is in demand today more than ever. In 2003 I graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, and immediately after graduation, I was hired by the Department of Ecology in the Mangistau region.


Later, my professional experience helped me find a job in a large oil company as a chief environmental engineer.

Employer reviews

Adilbaev Esenkos Estureevich
Deputy Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Mangystau Region

I would like to note the graduates of Yessenov University, who meet the high requirements of modern labor, showing good theoretical knowledge. In the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Mangystau Region, the main part of the staff are graduates of Yessenov University.

The formation of certain professional competencies within the walls of the university makes it possible for graduates to have a high level of professional motivation, high professional skills, the ability to adapt in a team, to have a high level of general culture. Additional practical skills are given to students by industrial practice on the basis of our organization.

Daurzhan Sattarovich Zhumabekov
Deputy Chief Engineer for Production of KazAzot JSC

For 30 years of work, thousands of highly qualified specialists have gained prestige and authority in the field of education, in the international arena (since 1991).


At present, the Department of Ecology and Chemical Engineering at Yessenov University prepares young people for important life and directs them to the future.

I wish you good health, happiness, and success in all your endeavors towards improving the prospects of your native land and oil and gas processing industry, as well as training qualified specialists in the field of chemical technology.