Professor of the Department of Ecology and Geology
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Subjects taught:
Methods of scientific research, innovative methods of research and commercialization, technologies and sustainable development, Industrial ecology, chemistry and water technologies.
Research interests: Scientific research is aimed at reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment, in particular on the processing of industrial waste, wastewater, disposal of oil sludge, monitoring, assessment and analysis of the impact of man-made objects on the coastal and marine parts of the Caspian Sea.
in the Technology Commercialization Center LLP (Astana, 2014), JSC “Institute of Economic Research” (Astana, 2016), JSC “Science Foundation” (Astana, 2017), NAA “ARQA” (Astana, 2019, 2022).
International internship: PRC “Technology of development of mineral resources of Central Asia and regional geology” (2016), international course “Training of managerial personnel in the direction of science and technology of Central Asia” (2017).
Publications:(Hirsch index h=3)
He has more than 160 scientific papers, including: in COXON publications – 60, in journals included in the databases Clarivate Analytics, Scopus, non-zero impact factor – 18, patents -8, creative works – 8.
1) For the successes achieved in the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan and a great contribution to its prosperity, she was awarded the “Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in 2017.
2) For contribution to the development of the University “with the badge of Shakhmardan Yesenov” 2019,
3) For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “With the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2019,
4) The best teacher of the university-2019″.
Grant projects:
Scientific Supervisor of grant financing projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) “Investigation of physico-chemical regularities of sulfidation of redmetric technogenic raw materials with sulfur” (2013-2014);
2) “Physico-chemical fundamentals of the technology of sulfidation of mixed oxidized ores and man-made mineral formations in order to prepare them for the traditional enrichment scheme” (2015-2016).
Executor of grant projects: 1) “Development of technology and organization of production facilities for obtaining new types of products for the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2000-2003);
2) “Development of theoretical and technological bases of pyrometallurgical processes of extraction of osmium and rhenium from lead technogenic raw materials of copper production of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2009-2011);
3) “Activation of the self-cleaning ability of the Caspian Sea water from petroleum products” (2012-2015);
4) a contractual project on the topic “”The current state of the coastal strip of the north-eastern Caspian Sea within the boundaries of the Mangystau region” (2019);