Post: senior lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Geology
Subjects taught: Geodynamics and Geotectonics, MPI Geology, Oil and gas field geology, Lithology and lithofacial analysis.
Research interests: Regularities of stratigraphic location, conditions of formation and oil and gas content of Cretaceous deposits in the context of Karagia and adjacent territories.
Publications: author of more than 30 scientific papers
Awards: He was awarded a letter of thanks from the rector of the University, a badge for the 45th anniversary of Yessenov University.
1.Serikbayeva, А., Вoranbayeva A, Аbdibattayeva M, Nurbayeva F, Cherkeshova C , Myrzabekova A. Minimization of the Negative Environmental Impact of Oil Sludge by Using it in the Production of Bitumen. Environmental and Climate Technologies 2022, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1337–1349
2. Н.Р. Тауова, М.С. Есенаманова, К.А. Кожахмет, Н.Ж.Кылышбаева, С.М. Черкешова. Инженерно-геологические изыскания Тенгизского месторождения. Геология нефть и газа 2023/2
Scientific interests:Public Speaking with Canva. Collaborating with G Suite Apps. Introduction to Data Analysis using Microsoft Excel.