Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Petrochemical Engineering
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Teaching disciplines: “Professional foreign language”, “Technique and technology of enhanced oil recovery”, “Development of oil and gas fields”.
Research interests: Improving the efficiency of the field development process in complicated conditions.
Work experience in the implementation of research projects:
1) “Development of mathematical models of fluid filtration to the bottom of wells in a stressed heterogeneous formation” (grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2012-2014, researcher); 2) “Increase in hydrocarbon production from a field with hard-to-recover reserves” (grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013-2015, researcher);3) “Chemical Treatment of Clayey and Waxed Sections of the Shaǵyrly Shómishtі Field Wells” (2019-2021); “Development of Integrated Energy-Saving Technologies for Enhancing Environmental Sustainability and Efficiency of Marine Operations in the Kazakh Sector of the Caspian Sea” (2024-2026, researcher).
Participation in international educational projects: 1) Tempus IV, IEMAST “Master’s Degree Improvement” (2012-2015, researcher);
2) “English for Success” (according to the program of TENIZCHEVROIL LLP and the British Council, 2019- 2021, participant);
3) Erasmus+, GEOCLIC “New courses in geospatial engineering for adaptation of coastal ecosystems to climate change” (2021-2024, member of the working group).
Publications: author of more than 80 papers in domestic and foreign publications, including in international scientific journals reviewed by the Scopus database, and in publications recommended by the authorized body. Author of 3 monographs, 4 textbooks and a textbook of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
International scientific internships: 1) Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (2013);
2) according to the program “500 scientists” (Bolashak): Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany (2023-2024).
International scientific trips: Tyumen State University, Russia (2014);
St. Petersburg Mining University. Russia (2015);
Ufa State Petroleum Technical University. Russia (2015);
Branch of NTC GEOTECHNOKIN LLC. Tver, Russia (2019).
Awards: Gratitude for scientific achievements and contribution to education from the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017); “Kurmet” diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2024).