Position: Senior Teacher of the Department “Ecology and geology”,
Academic degree: Master of Life Safety and Environmental Protection
The proposed targets are: the air basin, ecology of livestock and livestock, labor and safety of Life, Global Ecology, Ecology and sustainable development.
Publications: author more than 50 scientific articles:
1.A.K.Serikbayeva,G.Zh.Kenzhetayev, N.Sh.Janaliyeva, L.K.Seidaliyeva. Environmental monitoring of the Caspian Sea offshore and coastal areas within the suburbs of Aktau city, Mangistau Oblast, Environmental engineering and management journal, 2020, 19 (8), p. 1419-1426 (Scopus)
2. Kenzhetaev G. zh., Serikbaeva A. K., Makkaveev P. N., Syrlybekkyzy S., Janaliyeva N. Sh. ecological monitoring of the sea part of the Caspian Sea in the territories of Aktau, Ecology Series. №1 (62). 2020, Vestnik Kaznu.
3. A. Serikbaeva, G. Kenzhetayev, S. Syrlybekkyzy, N. Janaliyeva ecological monitoring of the Caspian Sea area, located on the territory of the Mangistau Regional Center, Industry of Kazakhstan 3(111)2020, STR. 29-31
4. Kurbaniyazov A. K., Syrlybekkyzy S., Janaliyeva N. Sh., Akkenzheeva A. Sh., Kabylova A. Direct improvement of the marine technology of the Thermohallin structure of the northern Caspian Sea, physical and mathematical Series, No. 5, 2021, STR.33-41
5. Meeting of scientific statutes VIII international scientific and practical Internet Conference, problems of sustainable development of regions of the Republic of Belarus and other countries, technogenic impact of oil and gas settlements of Mangistau region on the Caspian Sea region March 15-April 15, 2019 G. Mogilev, MSU imeni A. A. Kuleshova, 2019, N. Sh. Janaliyeva, str. 20-31
6. Janaliyeva N. Sh. change of water cycle temperatures of the Caspian Sea in the region of Aktau, thesis, Ukraine, Chernihiv, 2019
7. Serikbaeva A. K., Syrlybekkyzy S., Janaliyeva N. Sh., Koibakova S. E. Material of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: “I International Scientific and practical conference”, October 18-19, 2018. “The event of soleusticity of the past in the future the Caspian Sea in the region was replaced by Kalamkas” Volume I, STR. 142-146.
8. Janaliyeva N. Sh., Serikbaeva A. K., Kenzhetaev G. zh., Syrlybekkyzy S. Material of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Geoecological and technological aspects of the development of Labor Relations” 18.04.2019 G. “Issledovanie characteristics of physical and chemical properties of the Caspian Sea region in Prigoroda G. Aktau”, STR. 154-158
9. Kenzhetayev G. Zh., Janaliyeva N. Sh material of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Geoecological and technological aspects of the development of industrial settlements” 18.04.2019 G. “Exploration of the sea water area of the Caspian Sea in Prigorodny Aktau district (from the village.S. Shapagatova to the bright prudent MAEK”, STR.158-162
Scientific interests: “Geoecological exploration of the sea part and the Caspian Sea region in the territories of Aktau City with the introduction of remote sensing”
Improving qualifications: Certificate of attendance. This is to certify that. From Yessenov University has participated and successfully completed Seminar “Critical and Creative thinking”; Certificate from Yessenov University has participated and successfully completed Seminar Lecture Series in Scientific-Practical Research Writing for High Impact Factor Journal Publication. improvement”
Grant projects:
1. household.Agreement No. 42/19 dated 09/27/2019, between LLP «Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology» KAPE and KUTI named
after Sh. Yesenova, for research work: «The current state of the coastal strip of the northeastern Caspian Sea within the boundaries of the Mangystau region» (hands: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kenzhetaev G.Zh),
on the basis of contract No. UII63264 dated 09/10/2018 between North Caspian Operating Company NCOC and KAPE
2. Scientific and technical project on grant financing agreement No. 198 dated 11/12/2020 IRN AR08956547 «Pilot study of the regime of sea currents on the Mangystau shelf of the Caspian Sea»
3. State grant «Zhas galim» of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2025.
IRN AP19175679 «Comprehensive study and assessment of the ecological state of the Eastern coast of the Caspian Sea near the city of Aktau» on the basis of agreement No. 146 ZHG-4 dated
May 17, 2023;
4. Program-targeted financing for 2023-2025 IRN
BR21882122 «Sustainable development of natural, economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green growth: a comprehensive analysis, concept,
forecast estimates and scenarios».