Position: Senior lecturer
The disciplines are: “general courses of transport”, “Transport and operational materials”, “electrical engineering and electrical engineering of transport and technological machines and equipment”, “electric transport”, “Transport and transport equipment”.
Scientific interests: studying alternative views of topliva on road transport.
Publications: 4-x electronic textbooks, more than 15 methodological recommendations, more than 25 scientific publications, 10 and more author’s publications, including in kkson-7, Scopus.
Awards: The Blessed Virgin Mary 2022 will be awarded for large labor and significant contribution to development, growth of reputation and achievement of high results of the University. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akhmetov B. B. The Day security guard of 2022 was held on May 7. The Ministry of Science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2023. Blessed pussy for active participation in the organization of the XII Summer Universiade 2023. On February 8, 2024, Kazakh soldiers from Tajik-Afghan borders were awarded a diploma for achievement in volleyball competitions “Erlik-tagzym, urpak-paryz”. At the traditional competition, organized by the University of Yessenova “Spartakiad-2024” for 2024, a diploma of an active athlete was awarded.
Improvement qualification: the certificate for the program Coursera CFD Simulation Through a Centrifugal Pump6 Create Animated Social Media Posts using Canva, Fem-Linear, Nonlinear Analysis&Post Processi, Computational Fluid Mechanics–Airflow Around a Spoiler, Car Transport App in Figma, etc. Certificates for the program, introduction in logistics, modeling, testing and diagnostics of digital products, methods of training research students, Metrology, standardization, certification and Quality Management, Logistics basics, theory of Information Systems, visual modeling, theory and practice, effective work of the teacher, Thermal desalination system, thermodynamic analysis of energy systems. Certificate of interactive technology training in the organization of technical and professional education, standardization in Kazakhstan, optimization of technological processes, automated systems of information and management of enterprises, management of technospheric Security, Department of Technospheric security, etc.