3rd Place in the "Atameken" Ranking
In the 2025 ranking of higher education programs compiled by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken,” the educational program 6B07210 “Oil and Gas Engineering” of the “Petrochemical Engineering” department ranked 3rd among “Oil and Gas Business” programs in 17 universities across the country.
The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conducts an independent assessment of educational programs in Kazakhstani universities. Overall, the ranking aims to identify the advantages of higher education institutions, enhance their reputation, and improve the quality of education at both national and international levels.
The university ranking is based on 17 key criteria. The main requirements include the percentage of employed graduates, their average monthly salary, the duration of job search after graduation, and the relevance of educational programs. Therefore, this ranking holds significant importance.
Six of our faculty members have been awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
By the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, six faculty members of the “Petrochemical Engineering” Department – Ryskul Umarovna Bayamirova, Aliya Rizabekovna Togasheva, Akshyrin Tangaliyevna Zholbasarova, Manshuk Dagistanovna Sarpobeyeva, Maral Koylybayevna Karazhanova – have been awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the scientific field of “20700 – Environmental Engineering”, while Anar Shynabayevna Akkenzheeva has been awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the scientific field of “Chemical Engineering.”
We wish our faculty members success and creative inspiration!
Received the academic title of professor
By the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Associate Professor of the “Petrochemical Engineering” Department, Lazzat Kulzhanovna Nurshakhanova, has been awarded the academic title of Professor in the field of 20700 – Energy and Rational Use of Natural Resources.
We wish our professor success and creative inspiration!
Two of Our Faculty Members Visited the German Technical University of Clausthal as Part of the Mobility Program
From December 2 to December 19, 2024, Associate Professors (Docents) of the Department of Petrochemical Engineering, Maral Koilybayevna Karazhanova and Karlygash Tanbaevna Bisembayeva, visited Clausthal Technical University (Germany) as part of the academic mobility program.
During their visit, they conducted lectures on specialized subjects, contributing to knowledge exchange and strengthening professional ties among faculty and students of the host institution. Additionally, they participated as jury members in the International Technical Student Congress.
One of the key aspects of the visit was professional development at Eurotechnik, which included exposure to modern technologies and innovations applied in educational and scientific activities. The knowledge gained will enable the implementation of new approaches in teaching and research.
Furthermore, the visit included a tour of Krüss, a company specializing in high-precision laboratory equipment manufacturing. Special attention was given to discussions on the procurement of necessary equipment to enhance the university’s material and technical base as part of an ongoing megaproject.
This visit marked an important step in the development of academic mobility, the strengthening of international cooperation, and the integration of innovations into the educational process. The knowledge and experience gained will contribute to enhancing professional competencies and further advancing scientific and educational activities.
Students of the Department of Petrochemical Engineering participated in the International Technical Conference and Student Development Summit, organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) in Atyrau in November 2024.
This event brings together future engineers, researchers, and leading professionals in the oil and gas industry from different countries. As part of the conference, the Student Development Summit includes a student project competition, as well as participation in technical sessions and lectures by top experts in the petroleum sector.
Additionally, the summit provides students with the opportunity to meet peers from other countries, discuss innovative approaches, and exchange best practices.
Participation in events of this level allows our students to gain unique knowledge that will be valuable in their professional careers. They become part of the global professional community, which contributes to their further development.
Best University Teacher – 2024
Associate Professors of the Department of Petrochemical Engineering, Akshyrin Tangalikyzy Zholbasarova and Anar Shynabaykyzy Akkenzheva, have become winners of the “Best University Teacher – 2024” competition. We congratulate our professors and wish them success and creative inspiration!
The teaching staff of the Department of Petrochemical Engineering under the guidance of Associate Professor A.T. Zholbasarova, within the framework of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the period from 2023 to 2025, implements a scientific project on the topic “Application of flow-deflecting technologies to enhance oil recovery in the Mangystau region” in the amount of 99 million tenge.
Associate Professorof the Department of Petrochemical Engineering, K.T. Bisembayeva completed an internship at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany) in the specialty “Hydrogen Energy” with a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the program “500 scientists.
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Yessenov University, Associate Professor of the Department of Petrochemical Engineering Aigul Gainullayevna Gusmanova was awarded the title of one of the 150 best teachers

According to the educational program 8D07210 – "Oil and Gas business", Raushan Askarovna Bekbaeva and Gauhar Ermekovna Kunaeva were awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
On April 15, in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 416 and No. 417 dated April 11, 2024 “On awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)” under the educational program 8D07210 – Oil and Gas business, Bekbaeva Raushan Askarovna and Kunaeva Gauhar Ermekovna were awarded The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)!
Congratulations to the young scientists and wish them successful work in the scientific field, research achievements and creative inspiration!
We express our gratitude to the staff of the Department of Petrochemical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering for their painstaking work in the formation of scientific potential!
At the meeting of the dissertation council for the educational program 8d07210 (6D0700800) – "Oil and Gas business" 2 doctoral students successfully defended their PhD dissertations for the degree of Doctor of PhD!
On October 4, at a meeting of the dissertation council on the educational program 8D07210 (6D0700800) – “Oil and gas business” at Yesenov University, our doctoral students Khadieva Albina Sagyngalikyzy on the topic “Improving the efficiency of technologies of physico-chemical effects on high-viscosity oil” and Zhetekova Lyazzat Bishebaevna on the topic “Improving the efficiency of developing fields with hard-to-recover oil reserves in Western Kazakhstan” successfully they defended their dissertations for the PhD degree.
We wish our doctors to receive confirmation of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A scientific and practical seminar was held on the topic: "testing of hydrocarbon liquids and chemical reagents: analysis and implementation of results"
On October 3, a scientific and practical seminar on the topic: “Testing of hydrocarbon liquids and chemical reagents: analysis and implementation of results”, organized jointly with representatives, scientists of the German company (LLP “NPP “MIRUM LAB”, “PSL Systemtechnik GmbH”, “Kruss GmbH” (Germany)), was held at the Yesenov University and the Department of Petrochemical Engineering.
The seminar was opened by Askar Abievich Seidaliev, Vice President for Research and Development.
Dr.-Eng. Jens Pfeiffer, Head of PSL Systemtechnik GmbH, made a presentation on the topic “From the beginning of ASF crystallization to deposits: test methods for paraffinic oils and non-obvious details”. Regional Director of Krüss GmbH Dr.-Eng. Robert Minch made a presentation on the topic “Phase and interphase behavior in systems of various fluids at elevated pressures and temperatures”. Professor Clausthal University of Technology Dr. Philip Jaeger made a presentation on the topic “Development of highly efficient chemical compositions (surfactants) to ensure continuity of flow in fields with high production levels”.
Alexey Dmitrievich Zakharov, Director of NPP MIRUM LAB LLP, completed the scientific and practical seminar with a demonstration of the MCF-2 Cold Finger type installation manufactured by PSL Systemtechnik GmbH.
At this scientific and practical seminar, topical issues of the oil and gas and petrochemical industries were discussed.