From March 25 to April 5, 2024, Yessenov University teachers Sueuova N.B., Mambetalieva G.S., Bilashova G.S. from the department of “Mechanical Engineering and Transport” from the department of “Construction Engineering” Suymenova M.K., Akmurzaeva B.S., passed external academic mobility bilateral agreement of Kutaisi State University named after Ak. Tsereteli at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.
The purpose of external academic mobility is to exchange experience with teachers of nearby foreign universities, familiarize themselves with educational, methodological and research works, improve knowledge, and improve their qualifications. Academic mobility is a key component of the Bologna Process. Its important condition is the strengthening of international cooperation between universities.
On the first day, we met with Professor Omari Georgievich Kikvidze, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Kutaisi State University named after Ak. Tsereteli. After this, the head of the Department of Construction and Transport, Ph.D., Professor Kipiani P.N. presented by a team of scientists and teachers of the department. During this period, we took part in conducting laboratory work, obtaining results, summarizing them in subject rooms, in various laboratories, with the programs AutoCAD, Geodesy, Construction materials and equipment, Construction machines, etc.
We have accumulated a lot of ideas about future international scientific and practical conferences and the publication of scientific articles. Also professors and scientists of the faculty: Tsintsadze Z., Noselidze J., Popkhadze E., Balanchivadze M. and others, Erasmus+ program office specialist D. Kaladze answered all questions and provided support.