Position: Assistant Professor (senior lecturer) of the Department of Ecology and Geology,
Academic degree: Master of Ecology, graduated from the doctoral program of KUTI named after Sh.Yesenov.
Subjects taught: Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Expertise, Fire Extinguisher Chemistry, Global Ecology, Fundamentals of Radiation Safety, Environmental Mapping.
Scientific interests:Protection of land resources; wastewater treatment; mechanical, biological, physico-chemical and disinfection of wastewater; environmental biotechnologies; sewage treatment plants; sewage treatment plants.
1.Kenzhetaev G.Zh., Syrlybekkyzy S., Baymukasheva Sh.Kh. “Study of the state of wastewater from the sewage sump of the city of Zhanaozen” of the international scientific and practical conference on April 18, 2019. KSUTI named after Sh.Yesenov https://yu.edu.kz/ru/conference-collections/
2.Baymukasheva Sh.Kh., Aimova M.Zh. “Agyndy sular kuramyndagy auyr metaldards tazalauda sulphate reductionalaushy bacterialardyn rli” gylym-tazhiribelik online conference17-29 sauir 2020 KGUTI named after Sh.Yesenovahttps://yu.edu.kz/ru/conference-collections/
- Tazhenbayeva Ulzhan., Yeligbayeva Gulzhakhan.,Serkebayeva Bazargul.,Baymukasheva Shynar.,Sarbopeeva Manshuk. “Corrosion inhibitors used at the mangyshlak deposit” Recent scientific investigation. Proceedings of XVIIInternational multidisciplinary conference. Shawnee, USA March, 2021 RECENT SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION Proceedings of the XVIIInternational Multidisciplinary Conference
- G.Zh. Kenzhetaev, S. Syrlybekkyzy, Sh.Kh. Baymukasheva “Assessment of the total pollution of the sewage sump near the city of Zhanaozen” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University No. 3 (64) Almaty “Kazakh University” 2020
5.Baymukasheva Sh.Kh., Abisheva D.B., “Agyndy sulardy tazartudyn zamanaui adisteri” Sh.Esenov atyndagy KMTIU, aktau kalasy, Oblystyk gylym conferences 13 nauryz, 2019.
- G.Zh. Kenzhetaev, S. Syrlybekkyzy, Sh.Kh. Baymukasheva “Ecological and geochemical assessment of the degree of pollution of the sewage sump, for the development of ways of their purification and use in the arid zone” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University No. 3 (64) 2020
7.Kenzhetaev G.Zh., Altybayeva Zh.K., Boranbayeva A.N., Baymukasheva Sh.Kh., Zhakanova S. “Assessment of the degree of pollution of residential and industrial zones of urban territory” The latest research in modern science: experience, traditions and innovations. Proceedings of the vi international scientific conference. North charleston, sc, USA27-28 February, 2018 w.
- ECOLOGICAL EFFICIENCY OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSES Shynar Baimukasheva1 , Burak Demirel2 , Samal Syrlybekkyzy1 , Yerazak Manapovich Tileubergenov3 Received April 2022; Accepted May 2022; Published June 2022; DOI:
- She was awarded the Ibyray Altynsarin medal for significant achievements in the organization and improvement of the educational process, in ensuring the unity of education and training, in the implementation of education and training programs, in the practical training of students and trainees, and in projects to increase their creative activity.
International internships:
2019. She completed a scientific internship at the Bosphorus University (Turkish, Boğaziçi Üiversitesi), a Turkish higher education institution located on the European side of the Bosphorus in Istanbul.