Sembigali Tureshovich Zakenov, Professor

Sembigali Tureshovich Zakenov

Position: Professor, Department of Oil and Gas Engineering
Academic title: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Teaching disciplines: “Improving oil recovery and modelling at the late stage of field development”, “Flow theory of gas-liquid mixtures”, “Control over field development and well operation”, “New technical means and technology of downhole oil production”.
Research interests: Investigation of the efficiency of well productivity enhancement and oil recovery methods.
Leader of Tempus Project “Student Self-Governance and Democratic Participation in Kazakhstan – STUDIC”, 2013-2015.
Leader of the Erasmus GEOCLIC project “New courses in geospatial engineering for coastal ecosystem adaptation to climate change”, 2021-2024.
Publications: Author of more than 110 scientific and research papers, including 3 manuals and 2 monographs
Awards: “Honored Worker of Education of Kazakhstan”, “Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, badge “For Services in Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, medal “25 years of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, title “Honorary Worker of Gas Industry”.
International internship: Azerbaijan, Institute of Geology. Research internship on the Bolashak program. Singapore, National University of Singapore, training and professional development courses for managers (top managers) of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Germany, Technical University (TUD, Dresden).  Austria, University of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences (BOKU, Vienna).

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